Plant GARDEN How To ▶︎



アセンブル , シーケンス , Assemble , Sequence , Ananas comosus , Pineapple , パイナップル

Ananas comosus

Genome Assembly ID:t4615.G002

Sequence Name:ACO_r3.3C.pmol

Details of the Assembled Genome Sequences

Assembly Name ACO_r3.3C.pmol Biological Sample Yugafu, Cream pineapple haplotype
Number of Sequences 25 Number of Chromosomes 2n = 2x = 50
Total Length (bp) 431,138,038 N50 Length (bp) 17,173,289
Number of Genes 49,334 Number of Genes Source File ACO_r3.3C.proteins.fasta
Number of Genes Annotated by Hayai-annotation 49,334 Hayai-Annotation Version zen_v2.0
Sequencing Method PacBio Read Depth 48x
Assembly Method Falcon_Unzip Estimated Genome Size (Mb) 2,164
Sequencing Method Comments NA Comments NA
Copyright information for the article In preparation Copyright information for the data / database In preparation
Corresponding author Kenji Nashima (Nihon University) Data Source Plant GARDEN
DOI/PMID 10.1111/tpj.15699 Data Source URL
BUSCO Version 5.1.0 BUSCO Dataset embryophyta_odb10
BUSCO Genome C:96.0%[S:82.4%,D:13.6%],F:1.4%,M:2.6%,n:1614 BUSCO Gene (pep/cds) C:78.7%[S:67.9%,D:10.8%],F:8.1%,M:13.2%,n:1614

Search Genes

Cut-Out Genome Sequences

Chromosome /
Start Position
End Position
Complementary Strand