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アセンブル , シーケンス , Assemble , Sequence , Cerasus x yedoensis var. nudiflora , Somei-Yoshino, Yoshino cherry (nudiflora) , ソメイヨシノ(nudiflora変種)

Cerasus x yedoensis

Genome Assembly ID:t3759.G002

Sequence Name:Pyn_1.0

Details of the Assembled Genome Sequences

Assembly Name Pyn_1.0 Biological Sample var. nudiflora, Korea National Monument No. 159, Pyn-Jeju2
Number of Sequences 4,016 Number of Chromosomes 2n = 2x = 16
Total Length (bp) 319,209,792 N50 Length (bp) 145,140
Number of Genes 41,294 Number of Genes Source File GCA_002966975.2_Pyn_1.0_protein.faa.gz
Number of Genes Annotated by Hayai-annotation 41,294 Hayai-Annotation Version zen_v2.0
Sequencing Method PacBio RSII Read Depth 73x
Assembly Method FALCON v0.3.0, SOAPdenovo2.04 Estimated Genome Size (Mb) 284
Sequencing Method Comments NA Comments Synonym: Prunus yedoensis, Cerasus x yedoensis
Copyright information for the article In preparation Copyright information for the data / database In preparation
Corresponding author Jeong-Hwan Mun (Myongji University) Data Source NCBI
DOI/PMID 10.1186/s13059-018-1497-y Data Source URL
BUSCO Version BUSCO Dataset
BUSCO Genome BUSCO Gene (pep/cds)

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Cut-Out Genome Sequences

Chromosome /
Start Position
End Position
Complementary Strand