Plant GARDEN How To ▶︎



アセンブル , シーケンス , Assemble , Sequence , Asparagus kiusianus , Wild asparagus , ハマタマボウキ, アスパラガス野生種

Asparagus kiusianus

Genome Assembly ID:t272855.G003

Sequence Name:AKIK2p1_r1.0

Details of the Assembled Genome Sequences

Assembly Name AKIK2p1_r1.0 Biological Sample AKIK2p1
Number of Sequences 11 Number of Chromosomes 2n = 2x = 10
Total Length (bp) 1,580,155,615 N50 Length (bp) 172,460,497
Number of Genes 57,523 Number of Genes Source File AKIK2p1.pep.fa
Number of Genes Annotated by Hayai-annotation 0 Hayai-Annotation Version zen_v2.0
Sequencing Method Illumina Read Depth 74x
Assembly Method Supernova Estimated Genome Size (Mb) NA
Sequencing Method Comments Linked reads Comments Female plant, K1, phase 1
Copyright information for the article In preparation Copyright information for the data / database In preparation
Corresponding author Kenta Shirasawa (Kazusa DNA Research Institute) Data Source Plant GARDEN
DOI/PMID 10.1093/dnares/dsac002 Data Source URL
BUSCO Version 5.1.0 BUSCO Dataset embryophyta_odb10
BUSCO Genome C:90.5%[S:87.2%,D:3.3%],F:6.0%,M:3.5%,n:1614 BUSCO Gene (pep/cds) C:88.5%[S:84.0%,D:4.5%],F:8.0%,M:3.5%,n:1614

Search Genes

Gene data has not been registered.

Cut-Out Genome Sequences

Chromosome /
Start Position
End Position
Complementary Strand