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TOP > Solanum lycopersicum > 形質検索結果

Solanum lycopersicum

検索結果 : 196
形質名 カテ
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Salt tolerance conferred by rootstocks, salt tolerance (proportions of the fresh root weight (FRWp) )ストレス耐性NATG30_320NA00t4081.T000016
Salt tolerance conferred by rootstocks, salt tolerance (Sap ABA concentration)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000017
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000018
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NASSR22_200NA00t4081.T000019
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NASSR24_510NA00t4081.T000020
Drying and weighting stems under salinity conditions, drying and weighting stems (g)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000021
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)ストレス耐性NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000022
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)ストレス耐性NASSRW104_560NA00t4081.T000023
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000024
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NATG30_320NA00t4081.T000025
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NASSR24_250NA00t4081.T000026
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000027
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NASSRW136_148NA00t4081.T000028
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG16_530NA00t4081.T000029
Total leaf area under control conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG69_620NA00t4081.T000030
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSR22_1018NA00t4081.T000031
K+ concentrations in leaves under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NAPHYB2NA00t4081.T000032
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSR22_530NA00t4081.T000033
Ratio of K+/Na+ in leaves under salinity conditionsストレス耐性NALeNHX3NA00t4081.T000034
Ratio of K+/Na+ in leaves under salinity conditionsストレス耐性NASSRW356_900NA00t4081.T000035
Na+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the Na+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSR30_375NA00t4081.T000036
Na+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the Na+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NATG35_506NA00t4081.T000037
Na+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the Na+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSRW63_240NA00t4081.T000038
Sodium leaf sensitivity under salinity conditionsストレス耐性NATG35_506NA00t4081.T000039
K+ concentrations in stems under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in stemsストレス耐性NASSR35_298NA00t4081.T000040
K+ concentrations in stems under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in stemsストレス耐性NAPHYB2NA00t4081.T000041
K+ concentrations in stems under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in stemsストレス耐性NASSR22_530NA00t4081.T000042
Na+ concentrations in stems under salinity conditions, the Na+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in stemsストレス耐性NATG35_506NA00t4081.T000043
Na+ content in the aerial part of plant under salinity conditionsストレス耐性NATG35_506NA00t4081.T000044
Late blight resistanceストレス耐性NATG591ANA00t4081.T000053
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T1ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_13762NA00t4081.T000054
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T3ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_13842NA00t4081.T000055
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T3ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_47540NA00t4081.T000056
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T1ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_222NA00t4081.T000057
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T3ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_2629NA00t4081.T000058
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T1ストレス耐性NAsolcap_snp_sl_9790NA00t4081.T000059
Bacterial Spot Resistance, Bacterial Spot Resistance to Xanthomonas euvesicatoria race T3ストレス耐性NASL10915NA00t4081.T000060
resistance to bacterial spot disease, resistance to bacterial spot disease (Xanthomonas perforans (Xp))ストレス耐性SL3.0J350SL3.0ch063876315838763459t4081.T000080
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NASLM12-10NA00t4081.T000083
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NAD1304J20NA00t4081.T000084
Bacterial wilt resistance, Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 resistance, CSH (Bacterial colonization scores in hypocotyl)ストレス耐性NACD49NA00t4081.T000085
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NASLM6-82NA00t4081.T000086
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NASLM6-124NA00t4081.T000087
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NASLM6-119NA00t4081.T000088
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性SL3.0SLM6-17SL3.0ch063876473038764915t4081.T000089
Bacterial wilt resistance, resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)ストレス耐性NASLM6-94NA00t4081.T000090
Bacterial wilt resistance, Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 resistance, CSH (Bacterial colonization scores in hypocotyl)ストレス耐性NACD40NA00t4081.T000091
Bacterial wilt resistant, Resisitance to Ralstonia solanacearum Pss4, AUDPC (area under the disease progress curve)ストレス耐性NATG564NA00t4081.T000092
Bacterial wilt resistant, Resisitance to Ralstonia solanacearum Pss4, PW (proportion of wilted plants)ストレス耐性NAGP504NA00t4081.T000093
Bacterial wilt resistant, Resisitance to Ralstonia solanacearum Pss4, PW (proportion of wilted plants)ストレス耐性NACP18NA00t4081.T000094

形質 , trait , t4081