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TOP > Solanum lycopersicum > 形質検索結果

Solanum lycopersicum

検索結果 : 1019
形質名 カテ
近傍マーカー 1 近傍マーカー 2 形質名 / 解析方法 /
解析集団名 / 解析集団のタイプ
配列名 近傍マーカー 1 染色体番号 開始位置 終了位置
firmness, FIR品質/成分NATD018-103NA00t4081.T000001
soluble solid content, soluble solid content (SSC)形態/成長NATD200-317NA00t4081.T000002
Fruit color, color on red to green scales (a)形態/成長NACON310-990NA00t4081.T000003
Fruit color, color on red to green scales (a)形態/成長NAZ1723-91NA00t4081.T000004
sugar content, sugar content (SUG)品質/成分NATD247-57NA00t4081.T000005
firmness, FIR品質/成分NACON203-643NA00t4081.T000006
Fruit color, color on red to green scales (a)形態/成長NATD083-685NA00t4081.T000007
firmness, FIR品質/成分NACON174-206NA00t4081.T000008
Fruit color, color (lightness) (L)形態/成長NATD200-317NA00t4081.T000009
firmness, FIR品質/成分NACON173-501NA00t4081.T000010
firmness on red to green scales, firmness on red to green scales (FIR)品質/成分NATD025-87NA00t4081.T000011
Fruit color, color (lightness) (L)形態/成長NAZ1475-87NA00t4081.T000012
firmness, FIR品質/成分NACON176-455NA00t4081.T000013
firmness, FIR品質/成分NATD247-57NA00t4081.T000014
firmness, FIR品質/成分NATD156-314NA00t4081.T000015
Salt tolerance conferred by rootstocks, salt tolerance (proportions of the fresh root weight (FRWp) )ストレス耐性NATG30_320NA00t4081.T000016
Salt tolerance conferred by rootstocks, salt tolerance (Sap ABA concentration)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000017
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000018
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)形態/成長NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000018
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NASSR22_200NA00t4081.T000019
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)形態/成長NASSR22_200NA00t4081.T000019
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)ストレス耐性NASSR24_510NA00t4081.T000020
Drying and weighting leaves under salinity conditions, drying and weighting leaves (g)形態/成長NASSR24_510NA00t4081.T000020
Drying and weighting stems under salinity conditions, drying and weighting stems (g)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000021
Drying and weighting stems under salinity conditions, drying and weighting stems (g)形態/成長NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000021
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)ストレス耐性NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000022
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)収量NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000022
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)ストレス耐性NASSRW104_560NA00t4081.T000023
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gFN (fruit number)収量NASSRW104_560NA00t4081.T000023
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000024
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)収量NATG16_800NA00t4081.T000024
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NATG30_320NA00t4081.T000025
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)収量NATG30_320NA00t4081.T000025
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)ストレス耐性NASSR24_250NA00t4081.T000026
Rootstock effect on the fruit yield under salinity conditions, gTW (total fruit weight)収量NASSR24_250NA00t4081.T000026
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000027
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)形態/成長NATG48_510NA00t4081.T000027
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NASSRW136_148NA00t4081.T000028
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)形態/成長NASSRW136_148NA00t4081.T000028
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG16_530NA00t4081.T000029
Total leaf area under salinity conditions, total leaf area (dm2)形態/成長NATG16_530NA00t4081.T000029
Total leaf area under control conditions, total leaf area (dm2)ストレス耐性NATG69_620NA00t4081.T000030
Total leaf area under control conditions, total leaf area (dm2)形態/成長NATG69_620NA00t4081.T000030
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSR22_1018NA00t4081.T000031
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leaves形態/成長NASSR22_1018NA00t4081.T000031
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leaves品質/成分NASSR22_1018NA00t4081.T000031
K+ concentrations in leaves under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NAPHYB2NA00t4081.T000032
K+ concentrations in leaves under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leaves形態/成長NAPHYB2NA00t4081.T000032
K+ concentrations in leaves under control conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leaves品質/成分NAPHYB2NA00t4081.T000032
K+ concentrations in leaves under salinity conditions, the K+ concentrations (mmole per Kg of dry weight) in leavesストレス耐性NASSR22_530NA00t4081.T000033

形質 , trait , t4081