2019.1.4 These are the files associated with Solanum chacoense M6 genome ###### Genome assembly ######### 523_3_assembly_ALLPATHS_v4.1.fasta: Genome assembly of S. chacoense M6, containing 8,260 scaffold sequences ### Pseudomolecules #### M6_v4.1_PM.fa: Pseudomolecules of S. chacoense M6, containing 12 chromosomes M6_v4.1_masked_PM.fa: Masked pseudomolecules of S. chacoense M6, containing 12 chromosomes M6_v4.1_scaffold.agp: AGP file describing the assembly of S. chacoense M6 scaffolds within the pseudomolecules M6_v4.1_PM_plus_chrUn.fa: Pseudomolecules of S. chacoense M6, containing 12 chromosomes and chrUn (unanchored scaffolds) ###### BUSCO result ######### BUSCO_result folder contains the output files from running BUSCO on the genome assembly short_summary_BUSCO_output.txt full_table_BUSCO_output.tsv ###### Genome annotation ######## # high-confidence genes m6.hc.gene_models.chr_corrected.gff3: Generic feature format file (gff3) of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6 (Corrected version as of 04/2019) m6.hc.gene_models.all_chrs_corrected.gff3: Generic feature format file (gff3) of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6, including ChrUn (Corrected version as of 04/2019) pasa_m6.hc.gene_models.cdna.fa: Transcript sequences (cDNA) of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6 pasa_m6.hc.gene_models.cds.fa: Coding sequences (CDS) of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6 pasa_m6.hc.gene_models.pep.fa: Protein sequences of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6 m6_gene_models.func_anno.txt: Functional annotation of working gene model set in S. chacoense M6 # representative models of high-confidence genes pasa_m6.hc.gene_models.repr.pep.fa: Protein sequences of representative models of high-confidence genes in S. chacoense M6 ###### Other ######## M6_gene_expression_matrix.xlsx: Expression abundance of representative gene models 523_3_assembly_ALLPATHS_v4.1.fasta.repeatmasker.gff: GFF file of the repeat-masked genome