2017.10.02 Files for the medicinal plant Calotropis gigantea, a producer of anti-cancer and anti-malarial cardenolides ###Genome Assembly### CAL_genome_asm_v2.2_1000_rmscaff.fasta #Final genome assembly for C. gigantea CAL_genome_asm_v2.2_1000_rmscaff_hard_masked.fasta #Final hard masked genome assembly for C. gigantea CAL_genome_asm_v2.2_1000_rmscaff_soft_masked.fasta #Final soft masked genome assembly for C. gigantea ###BUSCO Results### short_summary_asm_v2.2_1000.txt #Table summary of the number and percentage of Embryophyta orthologs for each category full_table_asm_v2.2_1000.tsv #Table providing the location in the genome assembly for each Embryophyta ortholog missing_busco_list_asm_v2.2_1000.tsv #List of missing Embryophyta orthologs from the genome assembly ###Genome Annotation### cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.gff3 #Generic feature format (gff3) of high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.cdna.fa #Transcript sequences (cDNA) of high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.cds.fa #Coding sequences (CDS) of high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.pep.fa #Protein sequences of high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_repr_gene_models.rmscaff.gff3 #Generic feature format (gff3) of representative models for high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.repr.pep.fa #Protein sequences of representative models for high-confidence genes in C. gigantea cal_hc_func_anno.txt #Functional annotation for high-confidence genes in C. gigantea ###FPKM Matrix### cal_FPKM_matrix.txt #Table with FPKM expression values for high-confidence genes in C. gigantea