Genome scaffolds * CYE_r1.0.fasta.gz : Genome assembly based on Illumina short reads and SOAPdenovo2 * CYE_r2.0.fasta.gz : Genome assembly based on PacBio long reads and FALCON-Unzip * CYE_r3.1.fasta.gz : Genome assembly based on PacBio long reads and TrioBinning (GenBank accession number: BJCG01000001-BJCG01004571) Pseudomolecule sequences * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.fasta.gz : Genome sequences * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.genes.gff.gz : Gene annotation * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.repeats.gff.gz : Repeat sequences * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.scaffolds.bed.gz : Scaffolds anchored to the pseudomolecule * CYE_r3.1.cds.fasta.gz : Coding DNA sequences * CYE_r3.1.proteins.fasta.gz : Peptide sequences DNA polymorphism * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.WGS11.vcf.gz : SNPs and indels with functinal annotations among flowering cherry varieties * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.HomoeologousVariantsSPA.vcf.gz : Homoeologous SNPs and indels detected on CYE_r3.1SPA1 to CYE_r3.1SPA8 of the Somei-Yoshino genome * CYE_r3.1.pseudomolecule.HomoeologousVariantsSPE.vcf.gz : Homoeologous SNPs and indels detected on CYE_r3.1SPE1 to CYE_r3.1SPE8 of the Somei-Yoshino genome