Data Usage Policy: Oropetium thomaeum v1.0


Robert Van Buren (Daniel Danforth Plant Science Center) (email: bob DOT vanburen AT gmail DOT com)
Todd Mockler (Daniel Danforth Plant Science Center) (email:TMockler AT danforthcenter DOT org)

This data set is public. Please cite the following publication

1: VanBuren R, Bryant D, Edger PP, Tang H, Burgess D, Challabathula D, Spittle K,
Hall R, Gu J, Lyons E, Freeling M, Bartels D, Ten Hallers B, Hastie A, Michael
TP, Mockler TC. Single-molecule sequencing of the desiccation-tolerant grass
Oropetium thomaeum. Nature. 2015 Nov 26;527(7579):508-11. doi:
10.1038/nature15714. PubMed PMID: 26560029.