Eggplant_V4.1.fa: Multi fasta files with the eggplant chromosomes (1 to 12 and chr 0) Eggplant_V4.1_function_IPR_final.gff: GFF version 3 file containing gene models, together with putative function and Interproscan tags. Eggplant_V4.1.repeats.gff3: GFF version 3 file containing repetitive regions identified with RepeatMasker. Eggplant_V4.1_transcripts.function.fa: fasta-format sequence file of CDS sequences, together with putative function. Eggplant_V4.1_protein.function.fa: fasta-format sequence file of protein sequences, together with putative function. Eggplant_V4.1_Interproscan.tsv: Interproscan results V3_to_V4_to_V4.1.txt: conversion of gene models between V3, V4 and V4.1