ITAG4.0 Tomato Genome Annotation Release Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Change log 3. Files in this release == 1. Introduction == ITAG4.0 release of new annotation on the tomato genome assembly SL4.0 assembled from long reads. This release includes 34,075 gene models. Release Date: Sep 6, 2019 == 2. Change log == Following are the changes in ITAG4.0 compared to ITAG2.40. Number of ITAG2.4 genes preserved = 29,281 Number of dropped genes = 5,444 Number of updated genes = 21,375 Number of novel genes = 4,794 == 3. Files in this release == * ITAG4.0_CDS.fasta fasta-format sequence file of CDS sequences. * ITAG4.0_cDNA.fasta fasta-format sequence file of cDNA sequences. * ITAG4.0_gene_models.gff GFF version 3 file containing gene models in this release. * ITAG4.0_proteins.fasta fasta-format sequence file of protein sequences. * ITAG4.0_REPET_repeats_agressive.gff GFF version 3 file containing repetitive regions. This contains repeats identified by REPET pipeline and contains comprehensive repeat annotation. * ITAG4.0_RepeatModeler_repeats_light.gff GFF version 3 file containing repetitive regions. ITAG4.0 protein-coding gene models were identified after masking genome with this file. This contains repeats identified by RepeatMasker using RepeatModeler generated custom repeat library. Known proteins were identified in the repeat library to improve chances of protein-coding gene identification. * ITAG4.0_RepeatModeler_repeats_light.classified Tabular file with repeat classification * solcap.SL4.0gff GFF version 3 file containing the Solcap markers on SL4.0