[DOI] 10.5524/102329 [Title] Supporting data for "The whole-genome assembly of an endangered Salicaceae species: Chosenia arbutifolia (Pall.) A. Skv." [Release Date] [Citation] He, X; Wang, Y; Lian, J; Zheng, J; Zhou, J; Li, J; Jiao, Z; Niu, Y; Wang, W; Zhang, J; Wang, B; Zhuge, Q (): Supporting data for "The whole-genome assembly of an endangered Salicaceae species: Chosenia arbutifolia (Pall.) A. Skv." GigaScience Database. http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/102329 [Data Type] Genomic [Dataset Summary] As a fast-growing tree species, Chosenia arbutifolia has a unique, but controversial taxonomic status in the family Salicaceae. Despite its importance as an industrial material, in ecological protection, and in landscaping, C. arbutifolia is seriously endangered in Northeast China because of artificial destruction and its low reproductive capability.
To clarify its phylogenetic relationships with other Salicaceae species, we assembled a high-quality chromosome-level genome of C. arbutifolia using PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C sequencing data, with a total size of 338.93 Mb and contig N50 of 1.68 Mb. Repetitive sequences, which accounted for 42.34% of the assembly length, were identified. In total, 33,229 protein-coding genes and 11,474 small ncRNAs were predicted. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that C. arbutifolia and poplars diverged approximately 15.3 million years ago, and a large interchromosomal recombination between C. arbutifolia and other Salicaceae species was observed.< [File Location] https://ftp.cngb.org/pub/gigadb/pub/10.5524/102001_103000/102329/ [File name] - [File Description] readme_102329.txt - None C.arbutifolia.genome.fasta.gz - Salix arbutifolia genome assembly file C.arbutifolia.gene.gff3.gz - Salix arbutifolia coding gene annotations made on the genome assembly C.arbutifolia.cds_primary.fasta.gz - Salix arbutifolia coding gene nucleotide sequences C.arbutifolia.repeat.gff.gz - Salix arbutifolia repeat sequences C.arbutifolia.miRNA.gff.gz - Salix arbutifolia miRNA annotations C.arbutifolia.rRNA.gff.gz - Salix arbutifolia rRNA annotations C.arbutifolia.snRNA.gff.gz - Salix arbutifolia snRNA annotations C.arbutifolia.tRNA.gff.gz - Salix arbutifolia tRNA annotations C.arbutifolia_fpkm.txt - Gene Expression levels (fpkm table) calculated from RNA-seq data C.arbutifolia.full_length_transcripts.polished.hq.fasta.gz - full length transcriptome fasta tree_root.newick - Phylogenetic tree file (newick) generated from the soingle copy gene family alignment C.arbutifolia.short_summary.txt - BUSCO v5 short summary results file C.arbutifolia.BUSCO.full_table.txt - BUSCO v5 full results file C.arbutifolia.missing_busco_list.tsv - BUSCO v5 missing gene results file willow.chr.karyotype.txt - karyotype map circos_links.txt - Circos plot links file willow.chr.1Mb_window.TE_coverage.txt - None willow.chr.1Mb_window.gene_density.txt - None willow.circos.conf.txt - Circos plot configuration file calculate_4DTV.pl - perl script to calculate 4DTv transversion rates C.arbutifolia_vs_C.arbutifolia.KaKs.txt - Whole Genome Duplication analysis results file for comparison between 2 C.arbutifolia assemblies C.arbutifolia_vs_S.purpurea.KaKs.txt - Whole Genome Duplication analysis results file for comparison between C.arbutifolia and S.purpurea C.arbutifolia_vs_P.trichocarpa.KaKs.txt - Whole Genome Duplication analysis results file for comparison between C.arbutifolia and P.trichocarpa C.arbutifolia_vs_A.thaliana.KaKs.txt - Whole Genome Duplication analysis results file for comparison between C.arbutifolia and A.thaliana Matrix.hic - HiC analysis matrix file of C arbutifolia genome sequence, can be visualized using Juicebox bioinformatics_analysis.sh - shell script to reproduce the bioinformatics analysis in the manuscript single-copy.pep.fasta.gz - Single copy gene family alignments (multi-fasta) between Salix species C.arbutifolia.protein_primary.fasta.gz - Salix arbutifolia coding gene protein sequences [License] All files and data are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-CC0 License unless specifically stated otherwise, see http://gigadb.org/site/term for more details. [Comments] [End]