File description: sc.mlc.cns.sgl.utg.scga7.importdb.fa.gz* - Genome assembly sc.mlc.cns.sgl.utg.scga7.CDS.codingseq.fasta.gz* - CDS nucleotide sequences sc.mlc.cns.sgl.utg.scga7.predicted_protein.fasta.gz* - Coding genes translated sequences sc.mlc.cns.sgl.utg_scga7.sort.gff3* - Coding genes annotation sc.mlc.cns.sgl.utg_scga7_transposable_elements.sort.gff3.gz* - Transposable Elements annotation RNASeqTranscriptomeAssembly.fa.gz* - Genome guided transcriptome assembly full_table_SUGARCANE_merge.txt - BUSCO output - CEGMA output SNV_annotation.vcf.gz* - SNP annotation PAL_clustalW.meg - PAL gene family alignment PAL_tree_ML.nwk - PAL phylogenetic tree newick format PAL_tree_ML.mtsx - PAL phylogenetic tree - MEGA software SuSy_clustalW.meg - SuSy gene family alignment SuSy_ML.nwk - SuSy phylogenetic tree newick format SuSy_tree_ML.mtsx - SuSy phylogenetic tree - MEGA software proteins_SP803280_X_R570_Cluters_MCA_top_hit_query_coverage_90.txt - Protein correspondence table SP80-3280 X R570 for circos plot proteins_SP803280_X_Spont_Cluters_MCA_top_hit_query_coverage_90.txt - Protein correspondence table SP80-3280 X S.spontaneum for circos plot co_expression_analysis.tar.gz - Directory with data and scripts for co-expression analysis - readme included rna-seq_gene_expression_levels.tar.gz - Directory with rna-seq expression levels from all libraries - readme included scripts.tar.gz - Directory with scripts used in different analysis - readme included