### Genome assembly ### Primary assembly hastate_28Sep2018_nbKXS.fasta # The genome assembly received from Dovetail Genomics of a male from the XX/XY cytotype no_eq_no_sc_DEGAPPEDhastate_28Sep2018_nbKXS.fasta # The genome assembly received from Dovetail Genomics with special characters (line breaks within scaffolds, and semicolons and equals signs in scaffold headers) removed, because some programs don't expect those characters in fastas ### Secondary assembly CHRR_genome.agp # The .agp file relating our linkage groups to the scaffolds in the primary assembly. LG identities are as follows: A1 = L.7, A2 = L.8, A3 = L.5, A4 = L.3, X = L.10 CHRR_integrated.fa # Pseudomolecules assembled from the linkage groups ### Genome annotation ### Gene annotations goodGenes.chrom.gff # Current Augustus genome annotation, positioned relative to the linkage maps ### Repeat annotations LG.repeats.gff # Repeat annotation, positioned relative to the linkage maps