Supporting data for "Hybrid de novo genome assembly of the Chinese herbal fleabane Erigeron breviscapus" =============================================================================== Yang, J; Zhang, G; Zhang, J; Liu, H; Chen, W; Li, Y; Wang, X; Dong, Y; Yang, S (2017): GigaScience Database. Summary: ------- The plants in the Erigeron genus of the Compositae (Asteraceae) family are commonly called fleabanes, possibly due to the belief that certain chemicals in these plants repel fleas. In the traditional Chinese medicine, Erigeron breviscapus, which is native to China, was widely used in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease. A handful of bioactive compounds, including scutellarin, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid, have been isolated from the plant. With the purpose of finding novel medicinal compounds and understanding their biosynthetic pathways, we propose to sequence the genome of E. breviscapus. We assembled the highly heterozygous E. breviscapus genome using a combination of PacBio single-molecular real-time sequencing method and next-generation sequencing method on the Illumina HiSeq platform. The final draft genome is approximately 1.2 Gb, with the contig and scaffold N50 sizes of 18.8 kb and 31.5 kb, respectively. Further analyses predicted 37,504 protein-coding genes in the E. breviscapus genome, and 8,172 shared gene families among Compositae species. The E. breviscapus genome provides a valuable resource for the investigation of novel bioactive compounds in this Chinese herb. Files: ----- DZH_genome.fasta - genome assembly file polished_contigs.fa - polished contigs file DZH.evm.out.finally.filter.gff - gene annotation gff file DZH.evm.out.finally.filter.cds - gene annotation cds fasta file DZH.evm.out.finally.filter.pep - gene annotation pep fasta file all_orthomcl.out - OrthoMCL output file - CAFE output file fifteen_RNA-seq_fpkm - fifteen RNA-seq FPKM matrix file repeat_annotations/DZH_denovo.gff - denovo annotation gff repeat_annotations/DZH_RepeatMasker.gff - RepeatMasker annotation gff repeat_annotations/DZH_RepeatProteinMask.gff - RepeatProteinMask annotation gff repeat_annotations/DZH_TRF.gff - Tandem Repeat Finder annotation gff ncRNA_annotations/DZH_miRNA.gff - miRNA annotation gff ncRNA_annotations/DZH_rRNA.gff - rRNA annotation gff ncRNA_annotations/DZH_snRNA.gff - snRNA annotation gff ncRNA_annotations/DZH_tRNA.gff - snRNA annotation gff phylogenetic_analysis/389_cds.fasta - 389 single copy genes fasta file phylogenetic_analysis/PhyML.nwk - phylogenetic tree newick file scripts.dir/ - #function: remove adapter #use: perl -fq1 read1.fq -fq2 read2.fq -key filter.out scripts.dir/ - #function: remove low_quality reads #use: perl -fq1 read1.fq -fq2 read2.fq -key filter.out scripts.dir/ - #function: remove duplication #use: perl read1.fq read2.fq clean1.fq clean2.fq dup.stat scripts.dir/ - #function: use to get gene ID which cds is less than 150bp #use: perl test.cds.fasta less_than_150bp.list scripts.dir/ - #function: use to get gene ID which cds is incorrect (genes with incomplete ORFs and stop codons present in the middle of the gene) #use: perl -check test.cds.fasta > incorret.list scripts.dir/ - #function: remove specified gene ID from gff file #use: perl gene_ID.list test.gff filter.gff scripts.dir/ - #function: remove one cds gene from gff file #use: perl test.gff out.gff