AE.chrom_level.genome.fa is the chromosome-level genome file of Aralia elata. is the annotations of Aralia elata's genome,including gene, mRNA, cds, exon and UTR. AE.genes.fpkm.txt is the gene expression profile of different tissues of Aralia elata which used FPKM value. "R_AE_Le2","R_AE_Le4","R_AE_Le6" indicate the leaf of Aralia elata with three repeats. "R_AE_St2","R_AE_St4","R_AE_St6" indicate the stem of Aralia elata with three repeats. "R_AE_Ro","R-AE-RoA-2","R-AE-RoA" indicate the root of Aralia elata with three repeats. "R_AE_Se","R-AE-SeA","R-AE-SeA-2" indicate the seed of Aralia elata with three repeats. is the paralogous groups in Aralia elata by using python version MACSCAN(JCVI). is the cds sequences of Aralia elata. is the protein sequences of Aralia elata.